and of cos.. A very happybirthday to Mr. Lim Zhi Da. Selamat Hari Jadi. May ur best wishes come true n good luck in ur beach vb tour and AUG. Go GO GO!!!!! :P
alrite.. pictures time
Bao posing as a man
Bao posing as a girl
see erm tong moi
Secret recipe.. whicle chocolate macademia
wen boon tong
wen tong qi
me n evon
The inseparate-able
His gf at the back... VB!!..
girls n birthday boy
bring it on man
Happy birthday to you
alright.. last action
Qi presenting gift
The shirt is his first gift
next is a clinique facial wash
next..a levi's shirt, and.... a cute boxer
two more shirts
then the yong girls to remove his shirt for him...see er goes first
Yuping goes next
HWee wen's turn...
then.. toothpaste in the house
yeah..thaipusam man...haha
ya.. happy birthday once again... Make sure u do us proud in ur tour n aug... n pls..get urself a gf la.hahha.. u know who we r refering to.. gambate mas.. !
alright.. gtg...happy deepavali people!!