Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Happy Test



Chiawen, you're happier than 38 percent of the other people who took Tickle's Happiness Test.

How do Tickle's experts know this? Because they measured your overall happiness level in relation to other test takers. To do this, they examined your attitudes and behaviors in the seven proven areas of life that are known to determine your happiness: Contentment, Confidence, Gratitude, Personal Growth, Cheerfulness, Relationships, and Optimism.For example, your test results show that your relationships help you feel happier overall. This means that you often find joy in the people who make up your support network. You may also tend to gravitate toward communities that mirror your values. Because you ordinarily feel comfortable relating to other people, you can gain a real sense of belonging and connection.While your relationships have a positive impact on how happy you are, they're still not the biggest factor affecting your overall happiness.


Your Score is 64 out of 145



Your own worse critic You're not a very happy bunny are you? You try hard, you're well meaning, but inside you is that little voice that screams 'I'm not good enough'.In short, your lack of happiness is down to what's happening inside you - you never feel contented because you are always striving for maximum success and even if you reach it, you don't feel you deserve to enjoy it. But happiness isn't something that you get just by hard work. Yes, reaching goals and getting where you want in life is important, but to be truly happy, you need to be at peace with yourself. People who are at peace with themselves generally do much more and much better in life than those who try hard all the time. Learn to value what you do and you'll not only feel happier, you'll also be more effective.

go try it out!...hope u r happier than i am...:P

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